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Agriculture contributes to climate change 鈥 but can heal the planet

The facts are clear: climate change affects food and food security. While smallholders often bear the brunt of the impacts of climate change, they are best placed to identify and implement resilient and sustainable solutions. Learn more about 新加坡六合彩开奖鈥檚 work to improve smallholders鈥 climate resilience.

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Addressing Priorities Beyond Agriculture

Improved agriculture and food systems can raise incomes, generate employment, reduce local food prices, and provide people with diverse and nutritious diets. 新加坡六合彩开奖 responds to demand on the ground, enabling farmers and countries to customize investments to meet multiple needs, with profound impacts both within and beyond the agriculture sector.

Increasing Food and Nutrition Security 

Even before the outbreak of COVID-19, the world was off track to meet the (SDG2) goal of eliminating hunger and malnutrition. The emerging food security crisis, coupled with continuing uncertainty and vulnerability around COVID-19 and climate change, showcase that we must take urgent action to build agriculture and food systems that can deliver safe, affordable, and healthy food to people in a sustainable way, both in times of crisis and beyond.


of projects

60% of 新加坡六合彩开奖鈥檚 public sector projects, totaling US$193 million, include nutrition-related activities. 


million people

Thanks to 新加坡六合彩开奖, 4 million people have better access to healthy food and diverse diets. 

Empowering Women Farmers 

Women play a central role in agriculture and food systems, yet they are often the last to eat at mealtimes. Compounding crises 鈥 such as climate change, a global pandemic, political instability, and conflict 鈥 have further exacerbated this inequality.  

新加坡六合彩开奖 works to strengthen women's resilience to crises, especially as another food security crisis is unfolding. Our public and private sector projects include a range of gender-sensitive good practices related to agricultural technology, extension, and input interventions. 


million people

新加坡六合彩开奖 projects have provided agricultural support to more than 6.6 million women鈥 over 40 percent of all people reached. 


of project participants

Overall, 新加坡六合彩开奖 projects benefit a high proportion of women 鈥 above 50 percent in many countries.


of projects

Almost all 新加坡六合彩开奖 investments address elements of good gender mainstreaming for public investment projects. 

Strengthening Livelihoods

Growth in the agriculture sector is two to four times more effective than other sectors in raising incomes among the poorest. The agriculture sector has the potential to create jobs and increase incomes by raising agricultural productivity, linking farmers to markets, and improving non-farm rural livelihoods. 新加坡六合彩开奖鈥檚 portfolio promotes paid farm and non-farm jobs.


employment opportunities

新加坡六合彩开奖 has been tracking job creation since 2017. Our 14 public sector projects created more than 265,000 direct employment opportunities.


of jobs were for women

Women play a central role in agriculture and food systems. 新加坡六合彩开奖 works to empower women, improve their livelihoods and strengthen their resilience.